I came downstairs and found Ella and her babies sitting like this on the couch. She will be the best mommy someday!:)

Playing with Daddy

Ella sometimes thinks she has a baby sister, I found her so innocently putting lip gloss all over Carson.

Ella posing for the camera

Ella and Daddy at the Hockey game

Carson enjoying a bowl of mommy's favorite snack, popcorn!!

Ella and Daddy on a hike together

Ella and daddy cleaning rocks they found on the hike .
Even though motherhood is hard, it's moments like these that put a smile on my face! They make everything that's hard worth it!:)
Your kids are so cute! I love the pictures of Ella putting lip gloss on Carson! That is to funny
I loved the pictures. You have the cutest kids!
I couln't agree with you more...we mother's live off of these moments. I love that picture of Ella and all her babies and of course her putting lip gloss on Carson! Your kids are adorable! Isn't it so neat watching them spending quality time with Daddy too?
That is so true. Cute sweet moments like those are the things that remind us that its all worth it and that we wouldn't trade any of it for anything!
As a mother of a son that is almost 14, it is the memories and pictures of them when they were cute and little that remind you to take a deep breathe and not kill them:) (I'm totally kidding!)
Your kids are just darling! Give them lots of kisses and hugs and enjoy theses tender little moments because before you know it they are big kids not wanting so many hugs and kisses.
Take Care,
So cute! Ella and Cailin are so much alike! Though, I don't think I've seen Cailin being a mommy to 5! Ella's a brave girl! And such cute pics both of them!
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