Friday, March 6, 2009

Look Who's FINALLY Walking........

This Cute Boy!!!!!
(14 Months tomorrow)

He is very proud of himself, and laughs the whole time he is walking. It's so cute!!

We are so proud of you Carson! :)


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Oh that made me tear up a little. I know I am really getting old! I'm so proud of Carson. You could just see by the look on his cute sweet happy face that he was so happy and so proud of himself! I'm so glad you got a picture of that and that you blogged about it. This is a memory to keep forever!

As happy and proud of Carson that I am and his accomplishment I got a little bit sad because he's growing up. I'm telling you having a kid that is 5 inches taller than you, with a deep voice now, makes you really feel sad to see a little guy start to walk because these little ones grow up really fast. Enjoy every minute with those cute little ones!!!

Take Care-JoLynn (Sorry I always ramble on and on)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Carson!! I bet you're just as happy as he is eh? Now how are you going to get your arm work out in :) I loved all the pics you posted. Cute cute cute! So, when are we actually going to hang out???

Hannah + 4 said...

Way to go Carson! Thats so exciting. I love when they first learn to walk it's so dang cute!

Alli Loar said...

Hooray for Carson! He looks so much older now! Yeah!!

Sabrina Hulse said...

Hurray!! Do you love it that he is walking now? I bet you have amazing toned arms now from lunging him around. That is cool that Ella is in dance and enjoys it, I want to put Haylee in dance or gymnastics when she gets older. Your kids are adorable.

The McKnights said...

So exciting! He is such a stud! Good job bud!!!